Mirhez Images 

Who I am and what it that we do

Hi, my name is Anthony Crudup. I am an artist and photographer. The principle creator for Mirhez Images. The name Mirhez is a combination of my parents first names, Mir is short for Miriam and Hez is short for Hezekiah. I do this in honor of them.This is a record of Limited edition prints/paintings that I started on December 21, 2008. Currently I will be posting about 3-4 Limited edition prints a week on this site.

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Image of the Week

Mother  Mirhez Images image for the week of January 18-24

A tender moment is captured between a mother and daughter, their foreheads touching gently. Their hairstyles are intricately braided, and they are dressed in casual clothing that reflects a modern, warm aesthetic.


Mirhez Images believes in the concept that a life tramsformed with images centered on the presence and goodness of God will minister to the challenges presented by a world stoked in evil. We hope to encourage lives by presenting images as a witness to the gospel of Jesus The Christ. We desire that our prints and custom art will be purchased to live in homes for generations to come. Amen.
